Erika Allison's Artastic Blog

Breaking the rules… or not

Posts Tagged ‘prosperity’

The Final Finishing Touch

Posted Monday, May 3rd, 2010


“Don’t Suck Me In”


Now, for the fun!  As I said in the last post, I already had the idea for the coup de grace.  I just needed for the white paint to dry before installing it.  I wanted sequins – big, shiny, tacky sequins.  You’ve seen them before, usually on used car lots or sleazy liquor stores.  Big, shiny sequins blowing in the wind, catching the sunlight and glinting with each flutter.  I hunted for big sequins.  I couldn’t find any ready-made.  So, what’s an artist to do?  Make them, of course!  I cut out circles of metal and punched holes with my paper punch.  I wasn’t sure if the paper punch would be strong enough to do the trick, but I got lucky.  Then, I had to install them.  I used double point tacks.

I don’t know if you can see the words I have lettered in towards the right side of the painting like you would if it were full resolution:

  • opportunity
  • prosperity
  • Growth
  • possibilities
  • expansion

The painting has meaning to me.  Maybe it does for you, too.