Erika Allison's Artastic Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘CAC’

Call For Entries!

The CAC 21st Annual Juried Show - Call for Artwork

The Contemporary Arts Center of Las Vegas, a non-profit arts organization, is calling for submissions to their 21st Annual Juried Show.

“This year marks the first national call for entries to the juried exhibition, as we broaden the scope of the work and support our mission to connect with fellow artists within and beyond our own community.”

For the first time they will be accepting digital entries in order accommodate a larger spectrum of entries and to “encourage trans-disciplinary artists to expand their potential entries for jury consideration”.

If you are interested in submitting, visit their members’ site events page for guidelines and entry forms at

According to their site & flyer, the ‘Best of Show’ award is $1500, with second and third place prizes of $750 and $500, respectively.

The deadline for digital submissions is March 1st, 2010!

Contact information for the CAC is listed below:

The Contemporary Arts Center
107 E. Charleston, Suite 120
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12-5 and by appointment