After studying “Don’t Suck Me In” for awhile, I decided it needed some retouch varnish before making any changes. It had a dead appearance and needed brightening up a bit. That was a good start. Now, I could proceed with actual changes or additions, whatever the case may be. I decided additions were needed. I zeroed in on what was supposed to be my center of interest. I used some white spray paint, silver spray paint and white oilstick. As you can see, I added some writing: “Open for business”.
I already had a plan in mind for the coup de grace. But, I’d have to wait for the paint to dry before proceeding. That was hard because I really wanted to charge in and finish it up and stand back and gloat about adding the perfect final touches. White paint can take a long time to dry, so patience was required. The image here shows where I had to leave off. It may not look that much more exciting than before I started. You may even wonder if it helped at all. You may wonder if I’m crazy. Why would she do THAT?
You’ll have to hold your breath til the final installment.
“Don’t Suck Me In”
….in progress